Activity based donations (A-thons)
Say goodbye to the hassle of paper trackers and spreadsheets. Whether it is a walk-a-thon, lift-a-thon, free-throw-a-thon, or dance-a-thon, let Schoolfundr seamlessly manager your next activity based fundraiser.
Unleash potential with A-thons
Whether it is a run-a-thon, read-a-thon, walk-a-thon, swim-a-thon, or any other a-thon, Schoolfundr makes it easy to manage your activity based fundraiser. Activity based a-thon fundraisers on average raise 87% more than traditional fundraisers.
Celebrate together and engage loved ones
Foster a strong school community by tracking achievements, sharing student journeys, and inviting friends and family to contribute.
Customize for success
Inspire learning and growth through our user-friendly platform which enables you to create unique a-thons tailored to your schools needs. We help you personalize, incentivize with rewards, and run activities designed to empower students and drive results.